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Bathing Guide for new born


When to start:

           It is generally recommended to wait until a baby’s umbilical cord stump has fallen off and healed before giving them a bath. This typically happens within the first two weeks of a baby’s life, but can vary depending on the baby. Once the stump has fallen off and healed, it is safe to give your baby a bath. It’s recommended to give baby sponge baths until then, keeping the baby clean without submerging the baby in water.

It’s also recommended to wait at least 24 hours after the baby’s first vaccination to give first bath.

How to :

When you’re ready to give your baby their first bath, it’s important to have everything you need prepared and within easy reach to make the process as smooth as possible. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Gather all the necessary supplies, such as a baby bathtub, a mild baby soap and shampoo, a soft washcloth or baby sponge, a soft towel, and a clean diaper and clothes.
  • Run warm water into the bathtub and use a thermometer to ensure the water temperature is between 36-37C, as this is the most comfortable temperature for a baby.
  • Gently undress your baby and place them into the water, supporting their head and neck with your hand.
  • Use the washcloth or baby sponge to clean your baby’s face and body, being careful to clean all creases and folds.
  • Use a small amount of baby soap or shampoo to clean your baby’s hair, making sure to rinse it thoroughly.
  • Carefully lift your baby out of the water and wrap them in a soft towel, gently patting them dry.
  • Change your baby’s diaper and dress them in clean clothes.

Remember that, newborns don’t require daily baths, as it can dry their skin and also babies don’t get dirty in the first few weeks. 2-3 times a week is enough.

It is important to keep the time spend in water short and make sure the baby is never cold during the process of bathing.

Precautions to take care:

Here are some precautions to keep in mind while bathing your baby:

  • Always support your baby’s head and neck while they are in the water, as their neck muscles are not yet strong enough to hold their head up on their own.
  • Never leave your baby unattended in the bathtub, even for a moment, as the water can become too hot or too cold, or the baby can slip and become submerged in water.
  • Use only a small amount of mild, fragrance-free baby soap and shampoo, as harsh or fragrant products can irritate your baby’s delicate skin.
  • Rinse your baby’s hair thoroughly to ensure all soap and shampoo is removed, as any leftover product can cause irritation.
  • Make sure the water temperature is just right, as water that is too hot can burn your baby’s delicate skin and water that is too cold can make them uncomfortable.
  • Be gentle when patting your baby dry after the bath, as their skin is sensitive and can become irritated easily.
  • Gently moisturize your baby’s skin to keep it hydrated, as frequent bathing can dry out their skin.
  • Don’t use any lotions, oils or powders before bathing your baby as they can make the baby slippery and harder to handle.
  • Don’t put the baby in the tub right after feeding them as it can lead to regurgitation

It’s important to remember that the safety of your baby should be your top priority, so always be attentive and keep your baby close.

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