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How Many Onesies and Outfits Does a Newborn Need?


Preparing for the arrival of a newborn can be an exciting, yet overwhelming experience for parents-to-be. One of the most common questions new parents ask is how many onesies and outfits a newborn needs. While it’s important to have enough clothes for your baby, it’s equally important not to go overboard and waste money on items that your baby may outgrow quickly. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to help new parents understand how many onesies and outfits a newborn needs.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Factors to Consider When Deciding How Many Clothes a Newborn Needs
    • Climate
    • Frequency of Laundry
    • Baby’s Size
    • Parenting Style
  3. How Many Onesies and Outfits Does a Newborn Need?
    • Bodysuits/Onesies
    • Sleepsuits
    • Hats and Mittens
    • Socks and Booties
    • Jackets/Sweaters
    • Pants/Leggings
    • Dresses/Skirts
    • Special Occasion Outfits
  4. Tips for Choosing Clothes for a Newborn
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs

Factors to Consider When Deciding How Many Clothes a Newborn Needs

Before we dive into the number of clothes a newborn needs, it’s important to consider a few factors that can influence the amount of clothing you’ll need to have on hand.


The climate of the area where you live is an important factor to consider when choosing clothes for your baby. In warmer climates, you’ll want to opt for lightweight and breathable fabrics, while in colder climates, you’ll need to choose clothes that provide warmth and insulation.

Frequency of Laundry

Newborns can go through several outfits in a day due to spit-ups, diaper leaks, and other accidents. If you don’t have a washer and dryer at home, or if you’re unable to do laundry frequently, you’ll need to have more clothes on hand.

Baby’s Size

Babies come in different sizes, and it’s important to choose clothes that fit your baby properly. If you have a larger than average baby, you may need to opt for larger sizes to ensure a comfortable fit.

Parenting Style

Every parent has a different parenting style, and this can also influence the number of clothes a newborn needs. If you prefer to dress your baby in a new outfit every day, you’ll need more clothes than if you’re comfortable with reusing clothes for a few days.

How Many Onesies and Outfits Does a Newborn Need?

Now that we’ve covered the factors to consider when choosing clothes for your baby, let’s take a look at how many onesies and outfits a newborn needs.


Bodysuits, also known as onesies, are a staple in a newborn’s wardrobe. They’re comfortable, versatile, and easy to layer. It’s recommended to have at least 7-10 bodysuits on hand, as you’ll need to change your baby’s onesie several times a day.


Sleepsuits are another essential item for newborns. They’re comfortable, easy to put on and take off, and they keep your baby warm at night. You’ll need around 5-7 sleepsuits in varying sizes, depending on your baby’s size.

Hats and Mittens

Newborns can lose a lot of heat through their heads, so it’s important to keep them warm with hats. Mittens are also important to prevent your baby from scratching themselves with their sharp nails. You’ll need around 2-3 hats and 2-3 pairs of

socks or mittens for your newborn.

Socks and Booties

Socks and booties keep your baby’s feet warm and protected. It’s recommended to have at least 4-6 pairs of socks or booties in varying sizes.


Jackets and sweaters are necessary if you live in a colder climate. You’ll need 1-2 jackets or sweaters, depending on the weather in your area.


Pants and leggings are great for layering and keeping your baby’s legs warm. You’ll need 4-6 pairs of pants or leggings.


If you have a baby girl, you may want to have a few dresses or skirts on hand for special occasions or for dressing up. You’ll need around 2-3 dresses or skirts.

Special Occasion Outfits

If you have a special occasion coming up, such as a wedding or a christening, you may want to have a special outfit for your baby. It’s recommended to have at least one special occasion outfit on hand.

Tips for Choosing Clothes for a Newborn

When choosing clothes for your newborn, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Opt for clothes that are easy to put on and take off.
  • Choose clothes made from soft and comfortable fabrics.
  • Avoid clothes with lots of buttons, as they can be difficult to fasten.
  • Buy clothes in varying sizes to ensure a comfortable fit.
  • Don’t go overboard and buy too many clothes, as your baby will outgrow them quickly.


In conclusion, how many onesies and outfits a newborn needs depends on several factors, including climate, frequency of laundry, baby’s size, and parenting style. It’s important to have enough clothes for your baby, but not to go overboard and waste money on items that your baby may outgrow quickly. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your newborn has a comfortable and practical wardrobe.


  1. How often should I wash my baby’s clothes?
  • You should wash your baby’s clothes after every use, as newborns can have accidents that require frequent changes of clothes.
  1. How many times a day should I change my baby’s onesie?
  • You should change your baby’s onesie several times a day, especially if they have spit-ups or diaper leaks.
  1. Can I reuse clothes for my newborn?
  • Yes, you can reuse clothes for your newborn, as long as they’re clean and free from any stains or odors.
  1. Should I buy clothes in advance for my newborn?
  • It’s a good idea to have a few clothes on hand before your baby arrives, but it’s best to wait until after your baby is born to buy more clothes, as you’ll have a better idea of their size and needs.
  1. How many special occasion outfits do I need for my baby?
  • It’s recommended to have at least one special occasion outfit on hand, but you can buy more if you have multiple events coming up.


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