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Step-wise routine setup programme for calm and peaceful sleeping of your new born

  1. Establish a bedtime routine: Develop a consistent bedtime routine for your baby, such as a bath, reading a story, and singing a lullaby. This will help signal to your baby that it’s time for sleep.
  2. Create a sleep-conducive environment: Keep the room dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Use a white noise machine or a fan to create soothing background noise.
  3. Put your baby to bed drowsy but awake: This will teach your baby to fall asleep on their own. Avoid rocking or nursing your baby to sleep, as this can create dependency.
  4. Be consistent: Stick to the same bedtime and wake-up time every day, even on weekends. This will help regulate your baby’s internal clock.
  5. Be flexible: Keep in mind that your baby’s sleep needs will change as they grow and develop. Be willing to adjust your routine accordingly.
  6. Nap time: Set consistent nap schedule for your baby, this will help them stay energized and active throughout the day.
  7. Gradual adjustment: Gradually adjust the timing of the sleep schedule as your baby grows and starts to sleep through the night.
  8. Keep an eye on your baby’s development and adjust the routine as needed.
  9. Remember that it’s normal for babies to wake up during the night and that it’s important to respond to their needs promptly.
  10. Consult with your paediatrician if you have any concerns about your baby’s sleep habits.
  11. Use a consistent method of putting your baby to sleep: Whether it’s rocking, singing, or using a pacifier, using the same method each night can help signal to your baby that it’s time for sleep.
  12. Consider using a sleep trainer or monitor: These devices can help you keep track of your baby’s sleep patterns and alert you when they wake up.
  13. Avoid stimulating activities before bedtime: Try to avoid stimulating activities such as playing with toys or watching TV before bedtime. Instead, opt for calm and soothing activities that will help your baby relax and prepare for sleep.
  14. Keep a sleep diary: Keeping a sleep diary can help you identify patterns in your baby’s sleep and make adjustments to their routine as needed.
  15. Make sure your baby is getting enough physical activity during the day: Babies who are active and have a good amount of physical activity during the day tend to sleep better at night.
  16. Avoid giving your baby caffeine or sugar before bedtime as this can make it harder for them to fall asleep.
  17. Make sure your baby’s bedding is comfortable and safe: Use a firm mattress and make sure your baby’s bedding is not too heavy or too light.
  18. Be patient and persistent: Remember that creating a consistent sleep routine for your baby will take time and patience. It’s important to be persistent and not give up too soon.
  19. Consider seeking professional help if your baby has persistent sleep problems. A sleep consultant or paediatric sleep specialist can help you develop a customized sleep plan for your baby.
  20. Remember that every baby is different and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a sleep routine. Be flexible and willing to make adjustments as needed to find what works best for your baby.

What to avoid

  1. Avoid creating dependency on certain sleep props: Rocking, nursing, or singing your baby to sleep can create dependency on these props to fall asleep. Instead, put your baby to bed drowsy but awake so they can learn to fall asleep on their own.
  2. Avoid over-stimulation before bedtime: Stimulating activities such as playing with toys or watching TV can make it harder for your baby to fall asleep. Instead, opt for calm and soothing activities that will help your baby relax and prepare for sleep.
  3. Avoid inconsistent bedtime and wake-up times: Inconsistency in bedtime and wake-up times can disrupt your baby’s internal clock and make it harder for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  4. Avoid caffeine and sugar before bedtime: Caffeine and sugar can make it harder for your baby to fall asleep and can lead to restless sleep.
  5. Avoid heavy or too light bedding: Make sure your baby’s bedding is comfortable and safe. Use a firm mattress and make sure your baby’s bedding is not too heavy or too light.
  6. Avoid using electronic devices before bedtime: The blue light emitted from electronic devices can suppress the production of melatonin and make it harder for your baby to fall asleep.
  7. Avoid using punishment for not sleeping: Remember that sleep is a learned behaviour and that punishing your baby for not sleeping can create negative associations with sleep.
  8. Avoid ignoring your baby’s sleep needs: Every baby is different and it’s important to pay attention to your baby’s individual sleep needs and make adjustments as needed.
  9. Avoid assuming that all crying is related to sleep: Crying can be caused by a variety of factors, so it’s important to rule out other causes before assuming that it’s related to sleep.
  10. Avoid skipping nap time, it is important for babies to get enough rest throughout the day.

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