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Taking care of new born hairs


Taking care of a new born baby’s hair can be a delicate task, as their scalp and hair are still developing and may be sensitive to certain products and grooming techniques. 

Here are some detailed tips for taking care of a new born baby’s hair

1.      Brush or comb baby’s hair gently: Use a soft baby brush or comb to remove any tangles or knots from baby’s hair. Start at the ends and work your way up to avoid pulling on the baby’s hair.

2.      Wash baby’s hair with a mild, tear-free shampoo: New borns do not need to have their hair washed every day, but it is a good idea to wash it once or twice a week. Use a mild, tear-free baby shampoo that is free of harsh chemicals. Wet baby’s hair and lather the shampoo gently, being careful to avoid getting it in their eyes. Rinse thoroughly and gently pat dry.

3.      Use a gentle hair oil: You can use a small amount of natural oil such as coconut oil, olive oil or baby oil to massage into the scalp to keep it moisturized and healthy.

4.      Avoid using hair styling products: New borns do not need any hair styling products such as gels or sprays. These can irritate their delicate skin and cause allergic reactions.

5.      Keep baby’s hair trimmed: If your baby has long hair, it is a good idea to keep it trimmed to prevent tangles and knots. You can take your baby to a professional hairdresser or you can cut it yourself if you are comfortable doing so.

6.      Be gentle and patient: Taking care of a new born’s hair can take time and patience. Be gentle and take your time to ensure that you do not cause any discomfort to the baby.

Things to avoid 

Here are a few things to avoid when taking care of a new born baby’s hair:

1.      Don’t wash baby’s hair too often: New borns do not need to have their hair washed every day, as this can dry out their delicate scalp and cause irritation.

2.      Don’t use harsh shampoos or hair products: Avoid using shampoos or hair products that contain harsh chemicals or fragrances, as these can irritate a baby’s delicate skin and cause allergic reactions.

3.      Don’t use hot water: Avoid using hot water when washing a baby’s hair, as it can dry out their scalp and cause irritation. Use lukewarm water instead.

4.      Don’t rub baby’s hair with a towel: After washing a baby’s hair, gently pat it dry with a soft towel. Avoid rubbing the hair with the towel, as this can cause tangles and knots.

5.      Don’t use hair dryers: It is best to avoid using hair dryers on a baby’s hair, as the heat can dry out their scalp and cause irritation. Instead, let their hair air dry naturally.

6.      Don’t use hair clips or bands: Avoid using hair clips, bands or any other hair accessories that can pull on a baby’s hair or cause discomfort.

7.      Don’t neglect the scalp: A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair. Avoid neglecting the scalp and ensure to keep it moisturized and clean.

It is important to remember that every baby is different, and what works for one may not work for another. Consult with a pediatrician or a dermatologist if you have any concerns about your baby’s hair or scalp.


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