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What are the Signs That a Baby is Ready to Walk?

Walking is one of the most exciting milestones in a baby’s life. It is a sign of independence and a step towards growing up. As a parent, you may be eager to know when your baby will take their first steps and start exploring the world around them. In this article, we will explore the signs that indicate a baby is ready to walk, so you can be prepared for this momentous occasion.

Understanding the Developmental Stages of a Baby

Before we dive into the signs that a baby is ready to walk, it’s important to understand the developmental stages that a baby goes through. During the first year of life, a baby goes through rapid physical and cognitive growth, with new skills and abilities emerging every few months. Some of the key developmental milestones during this time include rolling over, crawling, pulling themselves up, and walking.

When Do Babies Usually Start Walking?

Most babies start walking between 9 and 18 months, with the average age being around 12 months. However, some babies may start walking as early as 8 months, while others may not start until they are 15 months old. The age at which a baby starts walking can vary greatly and is influenced by several factors, including genetics, physical development, and overall health.

What are the Signs That a Baby is Ready to Walk?

Here are some of the key signs that a baby is ready to walk:

  1. Pulling Themselves Up

One of the first signs that a baby is ready to walk is when they start pulling themselves up to a standing position using furniture or other objects. This helps to strengthen their leg muscles and build the confidence they need to take their first steps.

  1. Balancing on Their Own

Once a baby can pull themselves up to a standing position, they will start to practice their balance. They may wobble a bit at first, but as they get more comfortable with their new skill, they will start to stand more steadily on their own.

  1. Taking Steps While Holding Onto Objects

Another sign that a baby is ready to walk is when they start taking steps while holding onto objects such as furniture or toys. This helps to build their confidence and gives them the chance to practice their balance and coordination.

  1. Cruising Around Furniture

Once a baby is comfortable taking steps while holding onto objects, they will start to cruise around furniture and other objects. This is an important step towards independent walking, as it helps to build their confidence and strengthen their leg muscles.

  1. Taking Independent Steps

The final sign that a baby is ready to walk is when they start taking independent steps without the aid of objects. This is a big moment for both the baby and the parent, as it signals a major milestone in their development.

Tips for Encouraging Your Baby to Walk

As a parent, you can help to encourage your baby to walk by providing them with plenty of opportunities to practice. Here are some tips to help your baby get started:

  1. Encourage your baby to pull themselves up to a standing position using furniture or other objects.
  2. Provide your baby with toys and objects that are easy for them to hold and carry, such as blocks or stuffed animals.
  3. Create a safe and supportive environment for your baby to practice walking in, such as a playpen or play area with soft flooring.
  4. Offer plenty of praise and encouragement when your baby takes steps or reaches other milestones, as this will help to build their confidence and self-esteem.


In conclusion, walking is a major milestone in a baby’s development and is an exciting time for both the baby and the parent. Understanding the developmental stages of a baby, as well as the signs that indicate they are ready to walk, is key to being prepared for this momentous occasion. By providing your baby with plenty of opportunities to practice and encouraging them along the way, you can help them take their first steps towards independence and exploration.


When do most babies start walking?

Most babies start walking between 9 and 18 months, with the average age being around 12 months.

What are the signs that a baby is ready to walk?

The signs that a baby is ready to walk include pulling themselves up to a standing position, balancing on their own, taking steps while holding onto objects, cruising around furniture, and taking independent steps.

How can I encourage my baby to walk?

You can encourage your baby to walk by providing them with plenty of opportunities to practice, offering toys and objects that are easy for them to hold and carry, creating a safe and supportive environment for them to practice in, and offering plenty of praise and encouragement.

Are there any factors that influence when a baby starts walking?

Yes, the age at which a baby starts walking can be influenced by several factors, including genetics, physical development, and overall health.

Is it normal for a baby to start walking later than other babies their age?

Yes, the age at which a baby starts walking can vary greatly and is influenced by several factors. It is normal for some babies to start walking later than others.

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