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What to Do if Baby Gets Water in the Nose or Ears during Bath Time?

Bathing your baby is one of the most important parts of keeping them clean and healthy. However, sometimes water can get into their nose or ears, causing discomfort or even leading to infections. In this article, we’ll discuss what you can do if your baby gets water in their nose or ears during a bath.

Understanding the Risks

Before we discuss how to deal with water in your baby’s nose or ears, it’s important to understand why it’s a concern. If water gets into your baby’s ears or nose, it can increase their risk of infection. This is because the water creates a warm and moist environment that bacteria and other germs thrive in. If the water isn’t removed, the bacteria can multiply, leading to ear or sinus infections.

Signs that Your Baby Has Water in their Nose or Ears

The signs that your baby has water in their nose or ears can vary depending on the age of your baby. In general, you may notice that your baby is fussier than usual or that they’re rubbing their ears or nose more than normal. If your baby is old enough to communicate, they may tell you that their ears or nose feel funny or uncomfortable.

What to Do if Your Baby Gets Water in their Nose

If your baby gets water in their nose, there are a few things you can do to help them feel more comfortable and reduce the risk of infection.

  1. Tilt their Head

Gently tilt your baby’s head to the side that has water in it. This will allow the water to drain out of their nose.

  1. Suction the Nose

You can also use a nasal aspirator to remove the water from your baby’s nose. Place the tip of the aspirator at the opening of their nostril and gently suck the water out. Make sure to clean the aspirator thoroughly after each use.

  1. Wait it Out

In some cases, the water may drain out of your baby’s nose on its own. If your baby seems comfortable, you can simply wait it out and let the water drain naturally.

What to Do if Your Baby Gets Water in their Ears

If your baby gets water in their ears, it can be a little trickier to remove. Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Tilt their Head

Just like with the nose, you can tilt your baby’s head to the side to encourage the water to drain out.

  1. Use Gravity

You can also use gravity to your advantage. Lie your baby on their side with the affected ear facing down. Gently press on the back of their ear to encourage the water to drain out.

  1. Dry their Ears

Once the water has drained out, make sure to dry your baby’s ears thoroughly. Use a soft towel or tissue to gently dry the outside of their ear, and use a clean, dry cotton swab to dry the inside of their ear. Be gentle and don’t push the swab too far into their ear canal.

Preventing Water from Getting in Your Baby’s Nose or Ears

Of course, the best way to deal with water in your baby’s nose or ears is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are a few tips to help you do that:

  1. Be Careful with the Water

When you’re bathing your baby, be careful not to pour water directly over their face. Instead, use a washcloth to gently wipe their face and hair.

  1. Use Ear Plugs

You can also use ear plugs to prevent water from getting into your baby’s ears. Ear plugs designed for swimming can be purchased at most baby stores or online.

  1. Use a Rinse Cup

Instead of pouring water over your baby’s head, use a rinse cup to gently pour water over their body. This will help you avoid getting water in their nose or ears.

  1. Monitor the Water Temperature

Make sure that the water temperature is not too hot or too cold. Use a bath thermometer to check the temperature before placing your baby in the tub.

When to See a Doctor

In most cases, water in your baby’s nose or ears is not a serious issue and can be easily resolved at home. However, if your baby seems to be in a lot of pain or discomfort, or if they develop a fever or other symptoms of infection, you should contact your pediatrician.


Water in your baby’s nose or ears during bath time can be a common and uncomfortable occurrence. However, with these tips, you can help prevent it from happening and know how to deal with it if it does. Remember to always be gentle and take your time when dealing with your baby’s ears and nose.


  1. How often should I bathe my baby?

It is recommended to bathe your baby 2-3 times a week in the first year of life.

  1. Can water in my baby’s ears lead to permanent hearing loss?

In most cases, water in your baby’s ears will not lead to permanent hearing loss. However, if your baby develops an infection, it can cause temporary hearing loss.

  1. How do I know if my baby has an ear infection?

Signs of an ear infection in a baby may include fussiness, fever, ear tugging, and decreased appetite.

  1. Can I use a cotton swab to clean my baby’s ears?

No, it is not recommended to use cotton swabs to clean your baby’s ears as it can push ear wax further into the ear canal and potentially cause damage.

  1. Are there any home remedies to treat an ear infection in a baby?

It is not recommended to treat an ear infection in a baby with home remedies. It is important to seek medical attention from a pediatrician.



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